Thursday, December 10, 2009

System project

This fella was used in a student's assignment in the course I TA for. The students each had to devise a system and create art based on the results of the system. This student decided to collaborate with a large group, and sent requests for self-portraits to about 100 people around the country. Obviously this was my contribution.

When it appeared in the student's presentation, one of the other students shouted out, "What's your deal with bats?!!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I did a few cute drawings of birds for my merchandise in the Montserrat Holiday Sale. With any luck, I'll soon have an Etsy where you can get your hands on my wares! Here's my peepers:

The rose-breasted grosbeak.

The belted kingfisher, and up top, the golden crowned kinglet.


Didelphis virginiana (stephanie)

I've been experimenting with the varied line weight a nib lends.